11 Inspiring and Entertaining Books to Add to Your Reading List

If you’re worried that dietary changes alone might not be enough to keep your bones strong, talk to your healthcare provider. Together you can discuss options for supporting bone health and preventing osteoporosis.

Step up your fish intake for brain function

The impact of fish intake on brain function has been a popular area of research over the last several decades. Most recently, a 2020 analysis of over 7,000 participants found that higher fish intake was associated with higher brain function and slower rates of mental decline. A separate 2017 study of over 500 children found that “frequent fish consumption was related to both fewer sleep problems and higher IQ scores.”

Try to enjoy two or more servings per week of higher Omega-3 and lower mercury fish such as salmon, anchovies, sardines and freshwater trout. Experts suggest baking or broiling when preparing the fish.



A literary journalist whose stories on human behavior and public policy have appeared in Time, The Atlantic, and Slate and helped Time win two National Magazine Awards.

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Joe Doe

Joe Doe

Semper lacinia class cum ligula vulputate pellentesque, id et mattis a condimentum arcu, nunc euismod tristique tincidunt inceptos. Interdum feugiat nullam volutpat natoque primis potenti.

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