The 14 Most Relaxing Places in the World

The 14 Most Relaxing Places in the World

Luxury travel is back. The pandemic-weary population is emerging from lockdowns with the goal of relaxing and reviving senses dulled by one zoom meeting too many. Whether it is finally taking the postponed honeymoon, or just getting some time away from home, travellers seeking a uniquely restorative experience can find it at Sunset at the Palms, a boutique Jamaican resort with the tagline, “Sensory Magic”.

Don’t wait. The purpose of our lives is to be happy!

The Art Nouveau movement peaked internationally at the Exposition Universelle of 1900 in Paris, boasting 50 million visitors.

The exposition promoted pioneers of the new style such as the French artists, jeweler René Lalique and glass craftsman Emile Gallé. Louis Tiffany also had a large display, showing the growth of the movement in the Americas.



A literary journalist whose stories on human behavior and public policy have appeared in Time, The Atlantic, and Slate and helped Time win two National Magazine Awards.

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Joe Doe

Joe Doe

Vitae ante eleifend iaculis lacus nullam venenatis montes, vulputate nulla in orci netus maecenas posuere. Sagittis per vivamus sociosqu potenti venenatis, vitae pellentesque imperdiet fringilla justo non, cras nunc suscipit gravida. Eleifend ma

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