How to Make Your Office Space Cozy and Comfortable
If you want to give your office a makeover but don’t have the budget for an office interior designer, there are some easy things you can do to make your office space cozy and comfortable on a strict budget.
Here we share 10 easy ways to make your office space cozy and comfortable:
Bring in Smells That Boost Productivity

The smell is one of the most powerful senses when it comes to memory formation, which is why scented candles, pleasant perfumes, or bouquets of flowers can add such comfort and excitement to our lives!
While some office interior design concepts encourage office workers to bring in a collection of personal items, others discourage office decor that makes the office feel too personal.
In addition to creating a welcoming office interior design, smells can also create a relaxed environment and improve office productivity. If you want to sample different scents for your office design, various incense sticks are available in stores or online. In fact, some offices even have their own individual aromas because employees find it boosts their work performance!