What is the Campaign for Nature?

The Campaign for Nature is a partnership of the Wyss Campaign for Nature and the National Geographic Society. It is works with partners worldwide to champion the ambitious, science-driven, global goal to protect at least 30% of the planet by 2030, a target to be agreed on at the 15th Conference on the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 2022.Specifically, the Campaign for Nature is calling on world leaders to:

  • commit to protecting at least 30% of the planet by 2030;
  • help mobilize financial resources to ensure protected areas are properly managed; and,
  • approach biodiversity conservation in a way that fully integrates and respects indigenous leadership and indigenous rights.

Charity Action Speaks Louder Than Words

We all know that helping the less fortunate by donating to charity enriches people’s lives. But did you know that it is good for your health too?

It is because science says so. Studies reveal that when you donate to charity or give to others in any other way, it boosts both your physical and mental health. Now, this can be particularly helpful for those that are emotionally bruised by the pandemic. Here’s how the habit of giving is advantageous to you:

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