Our ocean faces growing challenges from pollution, habitat loss, development, and climate change. If that wasn’t enough, expanding industries such as offshore oil drilling, renewable energy, shipping, and aquaculture threaten to crowd our oceans and degrade the health of the ecosystem. Our Ocean Protection Initiative includes grassroots campaigns to establish and support Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), oppose new offshore oil drilling and seismic testing, participate in regional ocean planning, and ensure renewable ocean energy does not damage our ocean.

Offshore Drilling
Offshore oil drilling is a mechanical process where the ocean floor is drilled in efforts to search for and extract petroleum that lies beneath the seabed. Our ocean, waves and beaches are vital recreational, economic and ecological treasures that are put at risk by offshore oil drilling. The Surfrider Foundation is focused on protecting our coasts from the risky practice of offshore oil drilling through grassroots advocacy at the federal and state levels.
Instead of advocating for transient and environmentally harmful ways to meet America’s oil needs, Surfrider believes we should seek a comprehensive and environmentally sustainable energy plan that includes energy conservation. See Surfrider’s Fact Sheet on offshore drilling.